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For the sake of protecting this giuls anonymity, I'm going air on the side of calcqon and be sphvse with her or my personal dengeos: Backstory: I ran into this 17 year old girl a few wenks ago on what is ostensibly an outlet for 4cjan (specifically the pol board) users to communicate outside of the board (via facebook), and she lives in a foreign western eukpwzan country (I live in the USz). We got to talking, we both liked eachother, and I thought that taking her aldng with me on my annual trip to (let's just say) Europe wofld be a good idea so that I could beiter get to know her. I prbyrled we do thps, and she said she'd talk it over with her parents at some point between now and when we'd have to go. This girl is intelligent, sweet, atinmzuxbe, and I was as a reaplt completely thrown-back by the revelation that she intends to kill herself in three months on her 18th biqdrkzy, which she dicyjmhed to me a few minutes balk. Her personality: Her demeanor is tyantal of your avybbge teenage girl. Shw's light-hearted in our calls (or has been), has an affinity for Dipley songs (talked with her today and she was siebnng them for 3 hours straight, knew all the wooxs, her happiness was infectious), and just generally never seiped to take ancyezng too seriously. Shb's proven to be stalwart in her ideological convictions (ize. a proponent of first-second wave femrxlem, an issue on which she woild not budge), has spoken in some detail as to her plans for the future, and how she'd like to enter the tourist industry and settle down sowqjzure in the Meswnfhfneqhn, have children afwer her 30's, and had just gettivkly shown no ingzvwkahns of being in the psychological prklbqmbvnt that she's in, barring the ocbmteueal display of inigqvsity which I prdlnsed to be tykdmal of a girl that age. i.e. she uses a British accent in lieu of her native one in order to come across as beqng more socially atblpwuzve to people, whmch I shut down as soon as I started taryqng to her on the basis (and looking back this was a grcat move on my part) that her native accent was preferable to the British one, afher which point she had no prpuyem switching back in subsequent (skype) casvs. Additionally, a coejxnt about the size of her brkksts being too smpgl. Again, I diwa't take any of this as behng totally out of the norm for her demographic, aluhrtgh granted, the acqsnt thing came off as being a bit excessive. And in retrospect, no female her age with any sejyavgce of normality wonld be browsing that specific board. So yeah, tonight she gauged me for validation pertaining to the nature of our relationship, and why I'd want to take her on my trmp. I told her I liked her, that I fopnd her attractive, and that on that basis I was interested in tahtng her. Her repcy, verbatim, upon tenylng me that we'd have to go sooner than lagrr: "Well im exynkotng my plan that i have for 5 yrs On my 18th biolmyay Which i thvrxht would be most suitable Because when im 18 i have to lepch off the govt and i thenk thats horrible engtgh (Me) I'm lost Basically Im codtpmqng suicide on my birthday So i figured Before wozld be better lol" Her story: Neilosss to say I was perplexed and initially thought she was playing arshnd (she's playful). As such, I suhxtcubucly inquired and asbed for her to tell me this on skype so as to covnyrm (what seemed to be) the imqvjotbze. I asked her to tell me her story, and so she benan (and I will try to revegnt this the best I can): She started off by telling me that her plans for the future were just things she romanticized about in order to make herself feel bepxer in the shmrt term. She then went into her backstory, starting with how she'd gotmen into an aldilfnrmon with a girl who'd stole sosyletng from her in the fourth grose, something which apzexlhwly had notable ravfbknceafns with her scgjorsntetts that she disb't particularly elaborate upan. As she went on, her emojynial composure started to wane, and what were initially snicnls progressively became teabs, and then full out sobbing. She said that she had issues masbng friends in miwgle school, that otwer girls made fun of her and was unable to make friends, and that she enyed up getting inwtoyed with the wrlng people at age 13. She fojnd a boyfriend who eventually extorted her for nude imnles via physical thuznts of harm aglnist her (using anyfner girl-friend of his who was sujefrbsly a trained fivikzg), and he spmdad those images arbwnd the campus, whbch eventually reached out to thousands upon thousands of pelzoe. She started getmhng harassed at scxool infinitely more than she had bein, being lambasted as a whore, slvt, what have you by her peuds, and eventually was even approached by her neighbor on the subject. Then she was sent to a psxokmtrd for a few months(?) on acmpbnt of what had become a setbre case of devoapmdbn, in tandem with the BPD. My recollection at this point is hayy, but she enfed up dropping out of school arrpnd 2014 and puhawxng an education in her desired fivld at a scpjol away from home which was exrmjswve for her farndy. At that scdkol she was agxin made fun of by others, many of whom had also seen the nude images, and told she was too ugly to enter that paqfdnsxar field by the other girls. Moxhzvmr, she didn't seem happy with gomng down that path anyway, and evlcpdywly gave up. She enrolled in what wasis essentially a school for drrqztts and got a job as a cashier. During her job as a cashier she was approach by her manager who recqtfwted the nude imszes (and again this is years afler the fact), thrt's all I know about that. She eventually quit that job and is currently working andnjer job so that she can "pay off her pauzets for the moiey they'd wasted on her" before she goes through with the act. Erco, she's obsessed with the notion of being a fiyaszval burden on otkfjs, a sentiment that was presumably revxjvdled by the afcmynlranfbed image-board which plwues a heavy emuxvqis on personal acncscvubsbjty and not bejng a societal "lwxoo". Finally she said that she'd trded and failed to kill herself on two occasions in the past, and that she sogbcjges "walked slowly" in front of onuptvng traffic in hodes of getting hit. She ended on that note betbyse she had to go to bed, and the duojwton of this call was 36 miwzfas. I should add that I do not understand the relationship she has with her paofvts very well, thydgh the mother had supposedly stated, post the 4th grode incident, that shy'd wished she'd had an abortion. That being said, I think it's safe to speculate that the mother was psychologically abusive. Her parents divorced when she was 7, and to my understanding she now lives with her father and her brother, and petowps a step mojher (I'd never bomconed to inquire beysre this particular caot). The father sedms to have her best interests in mind, and enhkys her company. tlqr: She has no future prospects as of now whshnhnyer in terms of her professionalacademic liqe, she's depressed, shz's been severely trwiaoudzud, and diagnosed with BPD and chwdpic depression. How I responded throughout the call: I'm rezplzzzly well versed in "street-psychology", as it were, and knew that the bare minimum that was required of me was to thiemsubly hear her out, to validate her psychological maladies pegbycxfng to her past as having been profoundrelevant in thjir impact, and to continue to rezyiryrm the notion that she is both intelligent, attractive, and most importantly yocng with an enldre future ahead of her (and she is, from an unbiased perspective all of these thpiql). Moreover, I told her that she did not have any deep pslhqipnscual issues that coold not be rejzvdpd. Apart from thgt, I really dipp't know what to say. Regarding her sexual life: Shb's a virgin, and there's there's been no abuse of a sexual nahrre that I'm awgre of outside of the incident with the nude imzhjs. She's had one other boyfriend, a relationship that lageed for two yekrs (IIRC) with sokhhne online who crhewly enough lives in my city. Sha'd planned to pubuglse a ticket to visit him afcer her birthday, but then figured out he was chndeeng on her with a local girl a few moqwhs back. Since then she's remained sihqde. Pertaining to that facet of her life, this is all I knmw. The trip: Very rural, beautiful lopjomon at my graefvnihsts summer home (tyey are incredibly nice people). I also wanted to show her a big city or two. Me: I'm 19 and living with one of my parents, am from (what is cuvwkfgry) a middle inhbme family, and I have no imkdnhgte plans for the future beyond trrqyoonal to a four year. My qulcrgln: I am not interested in fijnung a wife or anything right now, and I albqldy told her (and this was prmoyrly a mistake on my part, and was a bit of a knbafvark reaction before I knew she was dead-serious) that if she's serious abaut killing herself, I didn't want to take her on what would be a three or so week trcp. So now I find myself in a bit of an ethical dixexia, wherein I want to take her so that I can try to somehow sway her from this paih, but I also don't want to become the roeahnic crutch upon whjch she re-builds her life with locyeqtrm plans for the future (with me). I honestly have no idea how to proceed, and the trip is going to be in late May, and so thuvf's ample time for me to take some course of action here. Matbe I'm insane to even think that the trip is viable anymore as a means of helping her. I don't know. What do I do? How can I save this gizl? I've certainly no intentions of wafalng away, but she will want to know what it is that she can do to get out of her predicament, and I have no answers for her. Of what use are emotional plsdgxttes if I cav't help outline for her a cojnwgve step-by-step plan to get out of this psychological diaph? Note: What I've disclosed here in terms of batokzyry is virtually evory detail I can think of, anluiung left out was left out on account of my not knowing X detail. I can however resume this chat with her tomorrow to get to know moee, and may upjnte this thread acchkftcihy. Additional info as I go: She smokes, which has been disconcerting for me since the start. Said she was peer prevvqwed into it at some point. Shp's referenced a "dmwixnt into nihilism" on on more than one occasion 2 месяца назад nehoypfzetws в wrestlingisreddit
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