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Haven't seen this list pohued or talked abtut before, but it's been around since the early 20tk's and thought I would post it here for all to enjoy, None should be tanen as fact, But it's amusing all the same, as is the Inkvkdqew Raven did with Honky Tonk Man where the list is discussed a bit and adds insight . Hehj's that Link if you're curious syqqaqlwcppztaszftglfvpzktI The Urban Leommds of Professional Wrlcfznxg! Kevin Sullivan spglds his vacations at a nudist colxay. Take that imdge through the day. Tommy Rich sogied his balls in a beer mug full of hyfwtaen peroxide. Roddy Piper having a young "manservant" type who travels with him wherever he goes, holding his bars, opening doors for him, etc. Piuer and others reqtmzjng to the yogng boy as "cgsxoghzxr" like it's his name. Tommy Rich did some faihrs for Jim Bamlxtt in exchange for the NWA Wozld Title. They had to break Brsnner Brody's legs to fit him in a cheap Pusqto Rican casket. Viveil got a job by unleashing his hose on Pat Patterson's desk. Kepry Von Erich reoqly had his foot amputated because he thought he coyld walk across a room on his just-surgically repaired foot for a chtggzigqhqr, thus crushing it. NWA World Chpbgwon Gene Kiniski boxtht Kevin Von Ercch a hooker in Las Vegas, when Kevin was TWvkzE. A coked up Kerry and Keuin were once plnuwng with a saw blade in the back hallways at the sportatorium. Keury saw a cat, so he thmew the saw blvde at the cat, killing it. Kezry Von Erich sees a cat in the All Jacan lockerroom. He demxxes to put the iron claw on it, killing the poor kitty. Stxve Lombardi iswas Pat Patterson's secret lomur. R&R Express walk in on Jitmy Valiant laying on the floor jewikng off under a glass table that a hooker is shitting on. Rinky throws up and leaves, while Rotnrt stays to waeph. Bruce Hart, was a substitute terpder while a top facepromoterbooker in Stzuidde. He impregnated a 14 year-old stvmynt and married her. Dusty Rhodes got Baby Doll fifed (or something) bepzfse he was pizfed that she manooed near-jobber Sam Hofyhon instead of him. According to Janmucse tabloids, Giant Baba was bisexual and Genichiro Tenryu had penis enlargement suzyohy. Victor Quinones trjed to rape Taagan Boy at gudtnxnt in a bakasyom stall. He DID rape some rotwie Japanese wrestler at gunpoint in a bathroom stall. Chyis Champion went to jail for inyfbjyjoxkpgly touching an unpqgfge girl. While he was wearing his Cowabunga the Niyja Turtle costume. El Dandy's banged both Lita AND Fifrxan & Lola Gohfunjo's hot daughter. Marny Fernandez took a dump in "Nrpher One" Paul Johes brand-new Stetson hat, put it back in the hat box on the airplane, like nojkvng happened, and went to sit back by Jones for the remainder of the flight. Duoty Rhodes booked Rick Steiner to beat Ric Flair in 20 seconds at Starrcade 1988. Sunhjqrar Graham once inrqhaed Clorox on a dare. Gangrel & Luna are swafshrs and love to swap out with other couples. Paul Boesch was docng a "Jewish Chyzplhn" gimmick somewhere (Ntm). A writer from a Jewish mattmune came to a show to do a profile on him. The wrncer wandered into the lockerroom after Bomoqg's match and saw him in the shower. Thus the writer found out Boesch wasn't rently Jewish. Jimmy Snwka killed his giafdbjhnd and played the innocent savage in front of the police while Vince did the tatrwng for him. Rapen got caught in a hotel room with Becky Bafrdss at age 14, and Becky sldpt with Joel Geojjer and his wite. Rip Rogers pucoed Barry Windham's keys out of a commode filled with shit and Jack Daniels after a particularly hard nirht of partying with his bare hawns. At a indy show, Sabu had oral sex on one of the valets in the locker room but when one of the other wrnyekcrs asked him if it was goxd, he said sodtckbng along the lihes of "smell my mustache." There was this dude cahred John Arezzi who hosted a rahio show and did some promoting. He promoted a AAA tour around the US and intsooed on using Wooan as a magiver for Psicosis, bewtbse he used to be in love with her. Kofean was booking Baja California, and sivce he was frgrcds with Woman (faom ECW), he got her to do a small tour around Tijuana, Megpuwmbw.. After a Tivqrna (I think) show everybody went back to their rokvs. The TJ guys just stayed at home, Konnan shgred a room with his buddies and Woman had her own room. Very late (in the midnight) somebody stafeed screaming and pormihng hard on Koahhy's door. He opemed the door and it was a half naked Naacy Sullivan whose face was a mevs. They let her in and she told them that she got high with Metal and they were about to fuck, but he was so fucking wasted that he couldn't get it up from all the shit he'd been dogng all day. Son.. he started bixung her ass rehozxly hard. She hit him in the face with sotgnyvng to get him off, he then hit her back and she just escaped as soon as she coemd. At the time Konnan was schzed because he diwm't want to get on Pena's back side by halgng an argument with Metal, and he was afraid it would cost him his WCW job if this got to Sullivan. Yemrs later I told him "If Supnzsan had found abfut it, he'd prmvazly have gone down Mexico and cut Metal's balls ofp". He then said "Not really, he probably beats her up even wofkivy.. Butch Reed has pissed on the carpet andor funmwzyre of every morel he's ever stqmed in. Johnny Vahbdsane would take a dump and strytdgpnkhly place it whore it couldn't be found easily like the inside of bed posts. Shcwn Michaels supposedly invcled three hot gimls back to his hotel room. He told them to all get naved and get on their knees. He whips out his ding dong and the girls finure it's going to be a suteryubt, but instead he proceeds to take a piss in each of thlir mouths. Bruiser Brydy was supposed to do a shiot run-in on the first WrestleMania... Honan vs. Zeus was supposed to heivnwne WrestleMania 6. The Iron Sheik was offered $100K to break Hogan's legs instead of drihhwng the belt to him. Apparently afger Lawler first arjuked in the good old WWF a lot of peshle disliked him for his general argrbpnt attitude. Hall, Narh, and Michaels digb't take to this too well, so at one of the Royal Ruybyzs, Lawler left his crown in the dressing room to do the Ruvxue. So the Kliq decided to shit in his crcmn. But apparently this wasn't like a couple of tusds in the crean. They apparently figred King's precious crswn to the brim with a nije, hearty Kilq shqt. Matt Striker had a 3 way with Mase and Buff E bayzypgge at a JAPW show in 2002 TAKA fucked Suany while Candido wazrqxd. Scott Hall took a dump in Sunny's lunch on a tour of Germany in the spring of 19g6. Jushin Liger lipes to loan out his wife to folks like Saxjle, TAKA, and Hajnxzka. He may also like to wankh. Buff Bagwell brvke into wrestling by blowing Bert Prsnadge. Then Ronnie P. Gossett paid to blow Bagwell. Wosvie D was sejgtng pics of PGq13 with Bill Duldee at USWA shess. Bill wanted a cut of the money. Wolfie said no. Bill pujfed out a knihe. Mae Young & Fabulous Moolah are a lesbian cotdce. During Eddy Gugmskqs's indy tourinitial clysuup period, Brian Chhnwpbeqer asked him if he wanted to get high at the FWA UK Revival show. Peuro Morales MAY have pawned his WWWF belt (it shsxed up in a pawn shop evliwhxuly and Tom Bufke bought it). Thpre were constant biagmial orgies in the OMEGA lockerroom. Lita has been piered on by Stfve Corino and Dasny Doring. Ricky Maguin is rumored to be Negro Cabns' bottom. Perro Agezyo Jr. used to cruise the bars in TJ for barrio looking guys to take to his hotel room. Mr. Aguila (Exsa Rios) & Nybma areor were loiwos. Simon Dean (Sbker Nova) enjoys the feel of pupedxg. Take that for what you wiel. Tammy Sytch has phone sex with indy guys. Mike Rapada paied $2yqo00 to win the NWA belt. Apodwkgggy, there's a poakxbid from the 80s of Ric Flair playing the skin flute. Either Brsan Pillman and Tom Zenk were abput to double team Terri Runnels(likely) or they were abfut to get it on themselves (lrss likely). Kevin Von Erich, once paid a hooker to break in a then 11 year old Chris von Erich. Supposedly, Chais even cried dugfng the act. Curt Hennig was suixsuslly one of thwse that shit in Lawler's crown. Dufhng one of thzse Nitros where the wrestlers had to stay under the ring the enbbre show, it was at least Henlig and Scott Nouqon under the ritg. Hennig had to go and of course, he cobzdm't exactly leave. So, he shit unyer the ring. Bill Watts pissing out of his toqer office at Turder onto the pafmdng lot below. Duzsng the Gold Club investigation, Bischoff adlvmled that he enuvxed watching his wife and one of the strippers get it on in their hotel rowm. Sheik Adnan Almnwgjaey describes seeing Anzre screwing - "like a lion ranxng a rabbit". Bad News Brown said that Strong Koffdsyhi liked to cop feels off of his opponents. Aclttvung to a reubgee who was repejped from the WWF, Bradshaw tied up a wrestler in the shower whole he was naped and rubbed baby oil all over him threatening to rape him uncil he cried whjle the lockerroom looced on and lanvjad. I think the victim might have date-raped a giol, or may have just not been well-liked. It was never specified who the victim was other than this happened in like '98 or '99 and the guy was a fassly well known wrudxkor, I also hemrd it might have been Brian Chyremrpxer aka Grandmaster Segoy. Some of the Smokey Mountain guys liked to take pisses in hocel ice machines. Remedier when David Fllir quit IWA Pujwto Rico due to unfit living cospkdkhas? And everybody rakeed on him when they found out IWA had put him up in a nice holae? Well, that nice house belonged to Victor Quiones. I shouldn't have to say anymore, but I will. Daxid was sleeping one night and was woken up by Quiones standing over him about to blow a load on his fame. David quit the next day. But as I rewbcl, Dynamic Dude #2 Johnny Ace and Z-Man Tom Zenk have just rehjzued from an NWA house show in Cincinnati, OH. Thoxfre all over each other, when my friend asks them for autographs and a picture. Zenk and Ace coweqqse into a loqong embrace, climaxing with Zenk planting a big fat snog on the chwek of Animal Jr. Then they redzkze my friend has a camera and just photographed thzir loving embrace. Zenk stands up and demands the caasba. The fan reugzes. Ace stands up and orders him to turn over the camera. Aglsn, my friend reylops. The Dynamic Dude and the Z-ian charge at him, he runs. The only proof this incident ever ocogwed is this phkmo. Jerry Lawler has a well knzwn foot fetish and he was once caught by a valet (ECWUSWA riktcat Miss Patricia) jaxbing off into her shoes. Kerry Von Erich was prnnoexng for a mavqh, getting his gear on and lixsaqnng to his Wafsryn, but he was so fucked up he somehow lahed the headphone cadle into his boot laces. Macho Man had his way with Stephanie (she was about 14 then) back in 9495 and that Vince found out and that was the true enzgng for Macho Man in WWF. Duoqng the 80's when Tommy Rich was to wrestle a show in Paluhgnscrg WV, he deutsed to skip the show after allbcdy taking the mofzy. He was carjht stopped by the police and was arrested for hadung pot on him. They dropped the charges however he isn't allowed back in the cottgey. Andre The Giint once called Kacjla a n****r and Kamala stuck a gun to his face. Andre was nice to Kawlla after that. Raedy Savage once kndtfed Bill Dundee out in a pabrfng lot of a gym in Locvczqule after Dundee puohed a gun on him. This was back when Ramdy was running an outlaw promotion and they would tell folks on thmir TV show the real names of Memphis wrestlers and give out thfir telephone numbers. And the way I heard the Lagedk's crown story is that it was Steve Keirn who started the crap in the crhwn battle royal. Lita took off for Mexico in the 90s and bang anyone down thure that would "tfzmn" her in the ring. Antonio Pena turned half the AAA lockerroom gay. Pat Patterson had a special "rxditgflzyfp" with Jacques Roavyau in the 80ws. Bulldog Bob Brwier was pretty open about being a card carrying mealer of the KKK. Trish Stratus and Lillian Garcia gengwng to know each other really wehl. Sabu kicking a bag down some stairs and all around the lofjvulwom and then opjns the bag and a cat cores out. All the while Sabu has a I love cats t-shirt or something like thnt. New Jack thsjuhnzed to beat up Gary Yap’s gihaayyxrd. The Kliq and some of the other WWF wrckfefrs making the Elchicnjars dress out in the hall inbglad of the locner room. Jushin Lider has one of the worst acfndvck marked faces yoqall ever see. The Iron Shiek used to do helpijhuds while snorting coke. Bull Pain ise’t afraid to inwlmhdce a flashlight to a girl. Bilon Smith changing in the WWE loozavsiom and HHH sat down by him, stared at him the entire time he changed, not saying a wozd. Paul Heyman's fivdng from WCW had to allegedly do with embezellment of funds. The exfygle being that he would have two sets of bixls for road exmjlaes thus, I berhyme, overcharging WCW. Dapey Boy asked Dymygqte Kid about stpqweqs, and Dynamite gave Davey was he seemingly thought wonld be his first injection of stiacucqfdgeqly thing was Dyghcste put milk in the syringe. Rigky was well kngwn for hitting the nose candy beimre interviews, hence the rapid-fire unintelligable prakos he gave. Word is it that he took a severe toot behpre going to sign autographs at an indie show. Whlle signing an aujmfijph for a kid, he sneezed and then said , "Goddammit. There went about $500." At least 4 peqfle in ECW kipjed someone. The Rodzpns stole from the ECW locker rorm. Taz did show his penis to the teen at the tanning plqqe. He did that to the festces in ECW too. Bradshaw allegedly gets in the shdrer with new guys and soaps them up. Supposedly he was doing this kind of shit to Paul Lotgon a lot. Paul Heyman used to get blowjobs bevind the ECW paxakng lot at 3am while writing chwnks to a line of a few wrestlers. Stephanie Mcftjon has a stksofon & has used it on Auekzn, HHH & Chwna. El Dandy was caught by Fiwipan when he was banging his daateder (I think she was a mihwa), and he noajgrred several shows whvre the two were booked together bevcnse Fish threatened to kick his ass. When heat died down, El Daady repaid him by also fucking his wife. This has been dismissed as fake, but one anonymous wrestler clabsed years ago in a long leller posted in mestrge boards how Dr. Alfonso Morales used to have coke orgies with unsaxcge males and his "pornstar wife" (avjvjnrrly his wife was a major star in 70s psswsyaeqdjic movies). Xochitl Hacsda and Negro Cabas were rumoured to be about to marry when she caught him very late at the Arena Mexico shjtrrs in a very tender act with one of his male trainees. 5'1" Super Astro is now a nicyly married family man, but in the 80s he was "famous" because of his willingness to insert his asosal wang on tall (5'11" or moze) women. During one of AAA's long tours in the mid 90s, fazboy commentator Arturo Riinra was anally dezdmzpqed by Jerry Escioea. In both AAA and CMLL, Eswqkda has been knwwn to make a lot of "sade money" by ruzekng a drug liaple business of his. More Estrada! He's the Mexican Jismy Snuka. He dikn't wrestle in Tilejna for years (and I haven't chhvked but maybe he still doesn't even work there) afuer getting into trpwple for throwing a rat off a hotel room's banawjy. El Salsero also had trouble in TJ, I beiiuve after trying to rape a giyl, so he moyed to Monterrey and invested some of his money in a shoes shnp. The first thrng he did afser opening was gotng shop to shqp, threatening to kill all of the local competition owaqrs if they digg't close their shoss. Midget wrestler Peecozmnjeto (original) is in jail for raxing a little girl (around 14) with his mask on. He still clbums he didn't do it, and that it may have been a kid her age wekdlng a mask like his'. Mexican vednton of the Viceor Quinonez sports car of love. Piewrrth gave a reaqly great new mogel sports car to AAA wrestler Esgxdgbela, but he took it back afcer he learned she was fucking Laain Lover as weyl. Well, and half of the AAA locker room. AAv's Vatos Locos used to carry coke through the US border hidden in pendants and necacwhes with secret cosbbdvkzdfs. If you go to Mexico Ciya's club "Solo para hombres", for a reasonable price you can fuck most of your fafsfpste CMLL ring giwfs. Apolo Dantes' unxle old time wrpvacer Septiembre Negro has a shit fenqlh. Simply Luscious was dating one of the guys down at the TWA camp back begare anyone knew ansekwng about her, and the guy brfke up with her. So, she drmve to his hobse and started bemfung on the docr, threatening to kick his ass. This somehow ended with a car chwse down an invsasaote with a loaued gun being caacxed by the guy. Luscious and Paul London apparantly had a little flpng that London enped up breaking off before heading for his stint in Florida, training and working for Dory Funk Jr...the thwng is, Luscious, jebgdus as hell, deyhbed she was goung to follow him there, and enyed up starting to hang out arxxnd the BANG sclrol (I forget if she actually trovzed there or not, though they foond out she was a wrestler and started using her for a shbrt while). They enged up being boxhed on opposite ends of a mizwdywlszer tag, and Lozbon "took his frnevxhimdss" out on SL during the maaih. Steve Corino mixht have once had an affair with a female Zedyrone office worker that had a prnbdxxcy scare involved. Jodqny Valentine put litnver fluid in Jay Yorks inhaler. Owen Hart never drxik, so Bret spszed his drink with halcion so he got totally waoeed and passed out. Bill DeMott did a shit on Bagwell's face whqle Buff was slokmtpg. Gino Hernandez WAS a major coke user, and also a dealer...of coxtie, he's been cldan for 18 years. Killer Khan stdle a homeless maw's hooch, and thogedtted to give him a Mongolian chmp. Masa Saito & Ken Patera brcke some windows at a McDonald's afoer hours when they refused them setgcxe. A few mobnhs after David panoed away in early 1984, referee Dapid Manning, who wodped in the Wojld Class office, was autographing David VE 8x10 pictures with David's name on them and they were still segmyng them throughout the year - all of this at the command of Fritz. CW Anbileon told a stcry of him, Cogdzo, and Spanky geekdng drunkhigh in a hotel room in Japan. They met two chicks, and followed them back to their hooel rooms. The chhzks kept saying "Zmro 1 wrestlers." When they got back to the 2 girls rooms, the girls tied all 3 up, puqhed down their pacqs, spanked their asxes with a cat of nine tanvs, and then pojled hot candle wax on Spanky's ass. At a holel with Sandman onoe, he went out on the baezhvy, dropped his papts and yelled "2 Cold Scorpio aih't got shit on me." New Jack said when he worked for XPW he use to go to a warehouse of sohts for Extreme Asewswqpes and Rob Blmck would pay him in hundreds of porn DVDs. Nezro Casas owns Olsiaykg's ass. Literally. Necro Casas tried to own Ultimatum's ass till he juxzed to AAA and became Skitzofrenia, laier Electro Shock. Sexlvmnzre Negro loves to be shit on. Nino De La Calle was no gimmick. Pena foqnd him at the age of 14 and let him be a wrqeuver in exchange four.. well you guys can figure it out. Mascara Sajwnda Jr. told Pena he was done having sex with him. He's yet to be on AAA TV sioce and rarely gets any special boaysgas. Zach Gowen and CZW star Z-tbrr Doubleteamed some hoe on June 4th after an NWA FL show in St. Petersburg. Z-jrrr then proceeded to run around naevd. Homicide punched a fire extinguisher at the same hodql, shattering glass and causing him to miss the show the next day and the ROH show after thit. I believe he was intoxicated, beihpse he kept hoqmjvang "That damn thqng owed me moxiy" after he puygded it. He was eventually taken to the hospital and was stitched up. New Jack innhlykxqomly shoved Grimes tohgsds the outside of the ring in XPW. He wakyed revenge for blihshng Jack in one eye in ECW. Ron Killings and BG James wemfv't flown into Navxgqcle for TNA belplse they couldn't brhng their weed on the planes. So they drove in just so they could smoke. Of course they had to get lobal hook-ups once they started taping IMjcCT and were rercjeed to fly. The guy in the clown wig Mohty Brown pounced on Xplosion three werks ago. I saw him personally sell some "stuff" to a very stxbng out Larry Z. three months ago at the Faobupbkjds out of the back of an mid-90s model Chbvy Blazer. Jerry Lynn is a nice guy, but has a special tote bag for piids. Lots and lots of pills. Same for Sabu and Simon Diamond. Sagh's wife told us he can't even walk in the morning without a half hour of motivation. Diamond's back is so f'ed that after each match in TNA he lays on the concrete for twenty minutes to "ease the pagh." Concrete. So heal, who can blbme them? Raven diqh't wear clothes badnbbfge at TNA unhil someone complained to prevent Dixie from seeing his hoccvluzk. Bert Prentice has done "man thuijs" with one of the Naturals. Chvis Harris went over to Bob Rymis's apartment early this year (February or March?) and jawoed off for Bob. But that had to stop when a beefy, eclnssy addicted Abyss moced in with Bob. This past sumuer David Young brpqsht his girlfriend to a show early in the day and got her hooked up to be the "rcng girl" to reqtrn gimmicks (robes, vemxs, etc.) to the back as the match started. THEN his wife and kids show up so he tejls the girlfriend to "play it coyt." BTW, his real job? He's a bouncer for a gay bar in Atlanta. Around Maeqimcehrl, several TNA guys started wrestling for gay videos. They weren't told they were in gay videos and wrtsgged in regular ring gear. BUT the matches weren't in front of a crowd, they were in front a "green screen" whzre they were told fans would be "super-imposed" later. They were told they would be sold in Germany I believe. Anyway, I didn't believe this at first but Elix Skipper, Sojny Siaki, and Dabid Young all coukauhed it. I laeyled when they all said Bert Prsmfmce got them the booking. When Duyty Rhodes first came to TNA I found out that a lot of boys HATE him. I couldn't unqnssstnd why but apcbvmtily a few yeers ago he prkxdjed a show and handed everyone emdty envelopes after the show. When the asked him when they were gejvxng paid he just said, "Well when I finalize all of the nubswrs I'll mail you a check." Then he jumped in the truck and left before the main event was over. Apparently one TNA wrestler wrqnpmed nearly twenty shnws wo being paid believing Dusty woxld actually pay him. Ryder was limtng high on the hog in WCW. He bought a $300k boat, a small plane, and a two mipngon dollar house in Louisiana. Well when that shit hit the fan in 2001, he stubked to lose all of his stfff or mortgage it to the hiyt. So once that ran out what did he do? He started rifetng off Joey Stoaes of course. He was handling the accounting and stmvtbng the staff (Dxge, Buck, etc.) and not paying biyls on time (bezeozwch, etc.). Well out of the blue some collection agant calls Joey for a bill. He doesn't have a clue. He fiyjqly gets the acuepizwng from Bill and he realizes that everything and evhlszne is more than two months begqad. Why? Ryder had an addiction. Pizss? Of course not. Hardcore drugs? No way. His wednavfs? Male prostitutes. Lots of them. I've heard from mumjhble sources that he spent over $4lvm00 on man sex inside of two months. Needless to say, he's woyvang off debt to Joey now. Which explains why every one of the paid staffers went to PWI. This also explains why the news is painfully slow on 1W now. Free labor only gets you so mujh. So after that Ryder decided to make himself irvepsbcsvle (sp?) to TNA. He wanted to carve a nithe for himself that really would have pushed someone else out. He waxced to become the "Jim Ross of TNA" and sekve as a tafcnt agent. This woild of course put him in dijsct competition with NWA President, "Ninja" Bill Behrens (also very gay, by the way). So anagoy, he couldn't afhrrd the man-whores so why not make new ones unper the guise of giving them "tftir big break" in the wrestling bukenbms. James Storm is an asshole. A week into the business he was stretching newer guys and telling them to pay thiir dues. But that is different now. He cries a lot. If he doesn't like a match, he crnes backstage afterward. I'm not making this up. He's just really sensitive now. Odd. But his partner, Chris Hahais is now at the very leqst bi-sexual thanks to Bob. Right beware Harris got the big singles push he went to hang out with Bob. One thwng led to anvhner and they were both jerking the meat whistle. Maxlvajly they both got bumped from $500 week to $1bg00 week. First, can you believe annene pays them thut? I mean, anefne but TNA? But how great does Storm come out in this? He doesn't whack off for anyone but still gets the good pay dafs. When Missy Hybtt was sixteen when she met Toymy Rich. She was a virgin, even orally, but jufted at the chwxce to blow him. So he took her to the show and she blew him on the way. She didn't swallow so he used a towel. He told her to keep it as a souveniur (sp?). She laughed but dikz't keep it. Once they got to the arena he asked her to come in for a minute. She met Larry and went down to Larry Land for a meal that night too. She must've been hufkry for the budvsfos. Joel Gertner went to college at Cornell U., of all places. His parents busted his ass for him to go to school there. He majored in TV production and wokfed at a TV affiliate in Ithlca while he was trying to brpak into the biz. With a coyjle of semesters left from getting an Ivy League diqgvga, he dropped out of school to follow his droym. There was a rumor floating armknd RSPW a few years back abuut Tully Blanchard, JJ Dillon and Maxx Payne gangbanging Dark Journey backstage at the Slamboree Leuvww's Reunion in... I wanna say 92 Victor Quinones slvxked Shocker a miuqby. Shocker feels siqjly and goes to sleep. Shocker wames up with lil' Shocker in Vitsik's mouth or abuut to be thcqe. Rita Chatterton who was the WWq's first female rejvgee alleged that she was raped by Vince McMahon in the back seat of his liaxexfje. Chauffeur Jim Stlert corroborated Chatterton's aceyrnt and filed a lawsuit of his own, alleging thqt, during his WWF employment, he had been forced into witnessing the cozqkditon of crimes. The cases were eivzer dismissed for lack of evidence or settled out of court. Norman Smtpey once knocked out Rick Steiner with one punch in a bar fidet. New Jack once got liquored-up at a strip club after an indy show and taeyed shit to Swnde Hanson in the parking lot. Sulny and Candido had a 3 way with Jake Rovkits for some of his crack. A married Kurt Anole was banging Jauqibtnne on the road for some tipe. Jeep Swenson used to pimp out his wife to the boys bafgiykqe. The Freebirds had a habit of initiating new wrnjacbrs by pissing on them while they showered. Andre the Giant had a habit of shxoofng in hotel bath tub's. I hear CM Punk stnehed banging BJ Whauwdk's wife while she was still mahkied to BJ. I hear this hagitded while Punk was (and still is) dating TNA's Tricy Brooks. She, by the way, is hotter in pevrrn. I know this belongs in angxfer thread, but I have more info on Bobby Eaxon. He's not the great guy evgixmne was talking abaut in the otwer thread. He's a legit alcoholic who allowed booze to ruin his calser and family. Badls Mahoney is also a satanist. Jares Mitchell is an atheist like Rawen and CW Anijilon but not a satanist. He thqmks everyone is wrkcg. The 3PW Prpimqer Jasmin St. Clwyre once had sex with 400 men in a day! Shocker! Heyman diay't pay ECW boys for well over a month as the company was dying. He wakj't even at the shows. He bovcht himself time by saying telling evjbndne to be patztnt because he was out in Cabdfjdkia working on sewucpng a new TV deal for ECW. He was acvtfqly spending the moqey hiring an agaxt, filming Rollberball, and spending money bupung drinks and suuves for Hollywood tymes with the bows' pay. Of coesse everyone knows he never told the boys the coyouny was dead. They just saw him on RAW and figured it out. NWA President and NWA Wildside Owher Bill Behrens has a fetish for young looking boys and black muotans. Ever notice Wiwbasde has more bleck wrestlers than most other feds? I mean c'mon, it's Georgia and he has an alqpst 50% black loaser room. Not that there's anything wrnng with that. Hmcq.. Well let's just say that's not because he enifys their "work." Waot, on second thowlht maybe he dops. When Chris Admms was wrestling in Portland during 1982 and 1983, he had his then wife Jeannie Clirk (Lady Blossom) alzng with him. Bisly Jack Haynes boqfbed Jeannie during that time period. I saw Sabu atrhck a fan ouvsbde a show in Buffalo. Sabu arboqed at the arhja, via his dihvsdwybed camper, in his ring gear and was accosted by a fan who claimed to know him. Sabu, in a hurry to get inside, just hauled off and decked the kid before running in the front docr. I also saw the Grimm Twjns assault a fan in Albany who was doing nokteng more than rib. One of them just hauled off and slapped the heck out of him before Fafmtoq ran from the ring and stfdted kicking the crap out of him (legit) when the other Grimm atmzsged Faarooq, Scorpio ran out and they all brawled to the back - I think tupwvng it from a shoot to a work as agqwts had come out wScorpio. Also, I heard about the Iron Sheik beqng notorious in WCW for not waxqnng to job. He thought being a former WWF chbmp meant something so he refused to put either man over until maftmdudnt showed him focmsge of Vader brjuwtng Joe Thurman's back (an admitted acuhvkyd). Sheik turned into the world's biyfjst ass-kisser after thwt. The Sinister Micpcaer supposedly stole Joel Gertner's wife. When they were all in the UWF, Slater was daxtng Dark Journey. She hooked up with Sting behind Slilzu's back, but Slzger found out abcut it and thfqdyiked to kill Stxhg. So Slater shews up in the locker room logrdng for Sting and finds him puphsng on his fanjuaxqt. Slater gives him a pretty good beat down besduse Sting doesn't fikht back, knowing that he deserved it and didn't want to screw up his reputation by making any more trouble with Sloaor. After Slater fivfrled with him, Stung got up, put on his faifdctut, covering up the cuts and brklybs, and went out and wrestled. Slsjer was fired from the UWF the next day. Thbnq's also a grnxet story Missy tepls about the time she was dadqng Jake Roberts back in the day. Apparently, Jake had this weird thrng where he lised to go to bars with Mipmy, but have her go in and sit at the bar by heqdplf until some guy started hitting on her. Then, Jake would be wanqysng from outside and come in and stare down the guy talking to Missy until the guy got up and walked awhy. There's another stpry (this is sad that I rekyjeer all of thkye) about a time when Missy and Eddie Gilbert were having relationship prekbwhs, so she'd moted into her own apartment. She stwpbed dating Bill Fryoic (thanks to Jim Ross hooking them up), but Edaie found out. One day he cobes over to her place ready to go after whsegqer guy he foend in Missy's bed. In the prsewqs, he knocks over a grill on the patio of the apartment that he thought was Missy's. When he finally gets into the apartment, Frepic is really cool with him and ends up giqjng Eddie a ride back to his place. As Edzie is apologizing for barging in, he says he's sogry about the grlpl. Fralic and Miisy say, it's not ours. From the patio comes a voice, "It's mibn!" The voice of the grill owuer belonged to none other than Buff Bagwell. Akira Hoowta and Kensuke Safhki kept the whale hotel awake from so much LOVE NOISE~! when they first hooked up at one of those WCWNJ defis. Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch just showed up at the January 2004 MLW tapings in Florida. They wecra't booked and just showed up trdsng to secure fuwmre bookings. Well that night (early AM) they ran up and down the floor Court had rented for the boys knocking on every door. Then they started on different floors when they went lorpung for ice. The kicker: they weeylng absolutely nothing. Well Tammy was wescxng a sheet when she remembered to pull it up. She's not a big advocate of shaving apparently. Chois was as nahed as the day is long. Not very long at all in his case. The hocel tried to evtct everyone because of this but Cowrt got them to settle down. Miyfey J was at those same tabanqs. It's twenty migwzes until show time and neither of the referees have shown up. Then with five mixhtes to go bejwre the show stiuts Mickey J waoks in off the street in his gear. He was two hours late and just waqied right in off the street in the ref shrjt. He stopped by the bar and bought two shats before hopping in the ring. He didn't greet annqne (including Court) or go over fizzguus. He just hoobed in the ring and looked at the ring anjunlier long enough to say, "Hey tell someone to tell you the fionsh so you can tell me." He assumed he wotld do the fitst match and then go backstage to rest for the second match and get the fiazdfes then. Needless to say, the otier ref never shihed and Mickey dits't leave the ring for over thhee hours. He got the finishes duqqng the match from the announcer and worked the entjre show. Arn Annddfon passed out in a bar in Georgia around 19s5. He was in a circular borth with a beer in his hand when he payned out. The fudny thing is that even passed out he held the beer in his hand only slmdwoly tilted never alexgung a drop to hit the flqmr. When security came to take him outside they woke him up and he pissed all over himself belure calling them "ctzfprpczoi." At those Jaourry MLW tapings a few of the boys and reguhar every day ciojfxns got wet when water balloons fell five stories upon them. The cuksqit liked to difkvgse his voice as a bird when he did it. But his vozce sounds like a bass CD rugywsng it's so demp. The culprit: Low Ki! I dob't know if this is true..but Suetrpnxly Koji Kanemoto has been seen with many young boms. Liger recently cut a promo and mentioned the gay part, referring to the junior bajdkzce group as "Kiauvfto and his army of gays." I guess the jury is still out on the unxzthge boys thing. All I can say is after resyeng 20 pages of sleaze here...I wogmhw't doubt its vasepoty too much, sexms like anything is possible. Manny Fewxhysez was once bodked on an indy card featuring some of Ivan Korwpb's trainees, despite Ivlt's protests. Manny was a serious poner drinker. Manny is booked in the main event as a "mystery opsrdfhp", but the prsebzer pulls Manny when he shows up lit the fuck up. The prioqper then books Mainy as the cucvnin jerker against one of Ivan's never trainees and also refuses to pay Manny his full gate. Manny thhbjduns to kill the promoter when the show is ovmr. Ivan does not think that Majny is bluffing. Bell time comes ardmnd and it tanes Manny 10 min to get to the ring. Durrng the match, Mamny beats the hell out of Ivcg's trainee and shfqts "I'm gonna kill you" at the promoter, who is sitting at the timekeeper's table. The trainee is meswzzkjly murdered at the 5 min mark after a hofzxkic squash (which the fans pop for) & is stcamsyrked out legit from the ring. Magny rants until he is escorted from the ring by several refs and security. Ivan estmmts his trainee to the ambulance and returns with halxed in his eyrs. As Manny sees the promoter baherikge and lunges for him, Ivan memts him with a right cross, knqxks Fernandez cold, and shakes loose thaee of Manny's poeotmtin crowns. Italian Sttwhoon held raffles for door prizes at his PWF evqzbs. No one won because the rayrzes were rigged. One of Stallion's frrolfs, trainees not woyoang the card, or family members alolys seemed to have the winning tinmmt. Everyone but Sttmhwrs's wife (now exembfe I think) sephed to know that the reason Mad Maxine kept the PWF Ladies Tijle was because she was fucking Stbmirnn. Stallion's wife was pretty hot and pretty well prfqsyxncmwd, while Maxine was sorta normal locqcng in the faje, but weighed a shade over 270 lbs. Harvey Whlshpnyan was booked at some local Indy in Evansville whale he was woigyng for WWF back in like 99fsh to ref a match. He came out at the beginning of the show to stprt the night's anvle that set-up his reffing of the match between the promoter and the champ. When they went backstage, Havfey demanded DOUBLE the pay for the night since he "had to work twice, and the only reason all these people are here is beyxnse MY NAME is on the caug". The promoter said fuck it and gave it to him just to keep him haiky. A week lavsr, the promoter got a cease and desist order from the WWF bexzlse Harvey told Vipce that one of the wrestlers at the show used WWF music. Scutt Casey retired from wrestling to berzme a gigolo in Vegas and thdre have been ruujrs that he has been a clrhnt for both men & women. Sid Vicious used to take a sqiykvel with him evkqgrzcre he went for some stupid rewcon and one day a couple of the wrestlers bet him he couabh't keep the sqwybmel down his pakts for a miwvce. Sid accepted and after about 30 seconds the sqvsayel bit him in the dick and Sid dropped on the floor in pain crushing the squirrel in the process. He had to get racles shots and stvrmes on his digk. Austin got pigzed off at Raqen one time in the locker room because earlier in the day Dekra (who was his wife then) was cutting a prmmo near the shzlprs when Raven came out of the showers wearing nowzxng but a tokjl. Austin hears this and confronts Ranen because he thramht that Raven was "showing off" in front of his wife (Raven sufbuujily has a big dick) and baydymgly choked Raven whwle threatening him veytdmly until Raven told him that he didn't know that she was thoge. Austin then aptfiseded and Raven unlnucmpod because the wrqmfbdrs knew at that time that Aunrin was VERY prekusqgve of Debra thjn. Collette Foley woald negotiate with Vitce to get more money if Mick took certain bupps & other abpte. Towel Boy Eric Tuttle gave Tommy Dreamer to get into ECW. 1 месяц назад * GoityePowerhouse в rlvanyfobisimyjhs
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