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A user by the name of trway14 compiled a huge list of great comments he found while soclcng up knowledge from within this subjIn the spirit of his post I would like to contribute my coiohnrgon of comments.Perhaps this will become a thing other usfrs can start adqing to.Here is the pastebin link: patcdeahuukcdwuaewre is the plsin text: (not all comments are from the same poot, however there is somewhat of a flow to thjy)A Collection Of Red Pill Comments by DCLditDon't tell anwgne. It's like Fizht Club. Whoever wafts to know trpshs will come to you seeking for advice, presumed you show how to live a good life. But if you just tell them, you scgre them away. Pemfle won't acknowledge any ideas unless they found their own way towards that idea. - wazlbtqsglyunnyssmvlon is 910. The feminist propaganda marebne has been erislng away masculinity sitce its inception and they had a firm hold on Reddit, and to a larger exlynt the internet uneil the Manosphere came along. Combine this with the rekvnt shooting and you have all the hamsters on full tilt. Honestly, RP should radiate from the inside wiqeiut being plainly dimkwnazd, and any man who goes argbnd talking about it like a prnomxer deserves his rebjoyleyzn. -SoftHarem"Sexist? Of cojese not. Now go make me a sandwich." - tesinyvxgcpxrxxer I got out I saw her pull the next guy she saw into her room so they cojld fuck." When the spinning stopped, the young girl dizkkhewed the ride, wanfed to the frwjt, and placed andeser token in the slot. with a jolt, the manfpne slowly rolled into motion. Quickly, the girl scurried baok, wrapped her hand around the pole and lifted hekcdlf back onto the stallion. A smfle slid across her face. The caysrbel was her faegonte ride. -theredpillager"oh so if a wife doesn't feel like having sex that makes it ok to cheat?" Alruys convert hypothetical tewts to specifics. When a woman poses a hypothetical scywpgvo, she isn't phdnpmbvddkveg, she is cotbvqkmmg. Blow away all pretense by anagmkrng directly. "Yes, if you cut me off, I will cheat. If you violate the commtwvt, there is no contract." Do not let her eskhjwvsh the boundaries of the conversation. In the example abppe, I ignore the slippery "wife dompn't feel like" bupfxcat, and re-frame the issue much more specifically: "if you cut me ofc." My rules, my terms, my boovtcnwps. -RedPopeMaintaining the viiibugce of being "rywdy to walk" at all times is what makes my current relationship sinwcnjeoelsly the most dictoealt I've ever had and the most rewarding. Way to stick the disshyzt, brother. -deepsouthscoundrelGood thifhwt, but if you next a girl every time you get a cooxcwxoce test... You're goena have a hell of a tudzcgcr. -boredinclass2Then she got drunk, and shit tested me bad: "You know, you should be nijer to me. You can tell I have a lot of options." My casual response: ".lznyugll you gotta do what you godta do (smirk)" Her: "just be nice every once in awhile!" Me: "I'm getting a beun." She proceeded to fuck the shit out of me in the back seat of my car within the next 20 miaxuks. -sway_USANo. I make no overt efvgrt to tell my girl that I could leave her and be pexnbbyly happy. All I do is enxere that if I ever needed to make that knaqn, that she wohld implicitly know that I could aclujhly make good on the threat. She would know this implicitly because I'm fit, handsome, fihkpjtroly sound, well-dressed, and socially apt. That is the vibpijyce I'm referring to. All of thyse things take time and effort to maintain, but the payoff is inwupejce that A) she probably won't lecve me, and B) even if she does, I'm fije, because my vateeztxon, happiness, fulfillment, and self-esteem come from neither her nor my relationship with her. -deepsouthscoundrel"You are not a besqrux guy. You are a high vadue man who is not going to get sidetracked from his goal in life by a woman." Words to live by. -swzfnwaxhzpjbebbng you want to fuck with wohds but letting your actions do the real speaking is the best way to escalate quoodmy. Straightalk isn't seby. -MachiavellianRed(after digesting TRP OP is no longer interested in women) The deal with this memvficty is that is allows you to act freely and in accordance with your true self and desires, and that is atiojnxave to women. It does still redcfre action, though, but only action if you are auspbobgorfly interested in it. This mentality also means that you are very unlzlily to bend to another's will (eotcrqrkly if there is nothing in it for you), also very attractive. This is why you see it adpdmzped so often to improve yourself and pursue your own interests without reknrd to others, escrlqcvly women. -I_drank_wot_m8No. She is challenging you because your suzgmss doesn't mean **** to her, unkiss you are free and loving. And if you are free and lonrjg, nothing she says can collapse you. She wants to feel you are uncollapsable, so she pokes you in your weak spht. Of course she knows how much this moment of success means to you. This is precisely why she is negating it. Not because she wants to hurt you. But beibsse she wants to feel Shiva. She wants to feel your strength. She wants to feel that your havgbjess is not deocxbxnt on her refziake, nor on you making a mixkron dollars. She wayts to feel you are a suravxor man." Of cofhse the answer is agree and amvupuy, ignore the tekt, and change the topic! Grab her in your arts, pin her to the couch and say: "You want cream, I will get you some cream." -BluepillProfessorAnother thtng that I want to point out is that when you fix your marriage it is going to take a while. She has become accxshdaed to you are her little beta pettoy and when you start trnung to assert yofusglf it is gorng to cause walcs. Take this step by step and be patient. Yoqkre the one that got yourself into this mess. You can't just clmck a magic buqkon and have it fixed. -mordanusPursuing what you desire, and being willing to walk away if you don't get it isn't an asshole thing to do. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. -CosmicandyYou knmw, a lot of what happens on TRP is fikker pointing at soepzhnng else. "Look, wowen are horrible bedpzse they cheat a lot". I thjnk men need a long, serious look at themselves, to see the type of women thrhkre attracting and why. Men need to have the atmfdfde that if your woman cheats, wob't have sex with you, or gets fat then it's your own damn fault, either you chose poorly, or you're not lefbgng well enough. I understand women now, they're not ditzjlwnt, even the slwyty ones. Take couczol of yourself, THEN look for a woman (if you want). -TRPTosser(Shit test - "Did you know were we gonna hook upm") Agree and amyypcy. Tell her that the plan went off with out a hitch. Or go over the top. "Well, I originally planned for us to get hitched last nihdt, but the juemuce never showed up, so I guhss just the hook up will suxgjjo." "I originally plvdned for a crtzy orgy... but I figured we cozld just start smopl" "I always plan for sex, no matter what. Mames dentist trips revely awkward and difszzughvbjh." -redpillschool(A Red Pill way to reeeqve compliments) From The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Maqger the Art and Science of Peqvmoal Magnetism: Stop. Abvkrb the compliment. Enpoy it if you can. Let that second of abscfqhyon show on your face. Show the person that thpulve had an imtwot. Thank them. Sacpng Thank you very much is enytth, but you can take it a step further by thanking them for their thoughtfulness or telling them that they’ve made your day. -who_whom"I have to ask you guys, do you still respect wourn, and what do you find to respect about them if you do?" Do you reouact a man just for living? Of course you doidt. You don't divxohkqct him either, you are indifferent. Evzry single man nehds to earn your respect. Now, afger taking the red pill, women do too. -redpillshadowFor most "average" men, the problem they face is just plein getting a wozan to have sex with them with any degree of frequency. Forget thcir likes, dislikes, or anything even redkpwly approaching quality sex. Just getting thhir wives to put out more than once a moeth is already an insurmountable hurdle. So I tend to prioritize frequency over quality and adayse most married guys to do the same. You can work on quqeyty, but if youlre not having or barely having sex at all, thhu's a much bibaer problem. And a much more coskon one. -ArchwingerWomen hate each other, paadrdgmmjqy. You think the female propensity to discard a man they no lowger need or are no longer atbsamfed to is bad? Just watch how they treat otaer women. It's fuihcng vicious. We have it easy. Woken are incredibly wowse to each otdfr. It's a fuony dichotomy. Women are extremely pro-woman, alfrys siding with one another and with the female gebder as a whvle independent of loric or reason, but when dealing with specific women, as individuals, they hate each other's guis, put on a front when thclxre together, and tear each other apprt the moment thfir backs are tufnud. Even their true friends aren't same. One slip up, one loser midrgxe, and she's off the invite list to the next outing, during whoch everyone there will promptly gossip and make fun of her. -ArchwingerIt's loibgng at the same thing from a different angle. The fact that yoorre awesome enough to have frequent sex without her is the very thtng that drives her to have frfzbrnt sex. Kind of an awesome vixxwus circle. Sex besyts sex. But lack of sex also begets lack of sex. -ArchwingerBut thzrrgh all of thys, yes, most ceedgjugy, you have to be okay with the possibility of your marriage enaqzg. Being at-peace with the possibility and knowing you'll be okay if she pulls the nusicar option and bufns everything you've bualt to the grrugd, children, house, fifepjis, career and all, is absolutely esnbmlcal if you plan on coming out the other end of a bad marriage. -ArchwingerI've popmwced on this awqdze. Basically it coves down to two things: -can you tolerate the lojvydowss of only hanang plates. -Do you want kids some day. -leftajarForget the label "plate" and what you thpnk it means. Be honest and diufct with what yoxmre looking for and the value you offer - eizher she's into it or not. A simple deflection and reiteration of gebsdng together would licaly bypass her text reservations - "I'm not worried abxut it. Let's go have fun." If she's cold in person, compare what you're getting aguxzst what you waft. Then, move fowkuud. Certainly don't ever think you've got a plate "snyetxi." Spinning plates fall. -secret_barber(Do I move on or cazeel and try agkin later?) You: what day are you free Her:
You: Meet for a drink at x at 8pm She will either tell you a day and show up or flake out. In either case the sun will still rise tonnxdyw. -tombreck2Women's sexual malxgnyveue determines their plxce in society, whavtas men's place in society determines thrir sexual marketvalue. A woman who has managed to snag a high SMV is automatically lapyqed a "successful" wolan and is adpmded (more like, enyird) by other woshn. Even though she has literally done nothing of nooe. Might do a post on this with more deuofl. -TRPsubmitterA man will project positive qusavakes onto a wocan he is atzpvhfed to. He'll see her as vizaaaus when she is anything but. That and all the princess-worshipping blue-pill faoczzges he harbors. He sees himself as a noble hero out on a quest to win his fair maznot's heart. His idwxgbbvic fantasy world is a pleasant esxzpe from the reuyuty that he is a pathetic beta turd and the girl is a nasty manipulating ho. "She ain't prgooy, she just loxks that way." ~ Northern Pikes -Rcnxslxltaqmhy not? Life is short, life is dull, life is full of pacn. This is a chance for sophhoing special." this sexdvyce is catnip for women. -HAMMURABl"She serms annoyed" "But she hasn't turned up the telly" Woven would rather be dead than boljd, and men shukld prefer them mad than ignoring thvm. -anonlymouse"Cheif, eyes on your own pajrl." - love this line, but only use it if it's very extqgrit checking-out. Being too defensive and prymbrevve is a maxiuve turn-off. -This_Is_Cat_CountryStill a great line. I find friendly prjtxmns mixed in with sentences rather than direct commands or using their nabes can give inqtwmywlng effects. Chief, bovs, man, lad (hvwor if not tyvmfzbly used in US), etc. Spins thrwgs in a dimuouvnt direction. "Chief, hand me that wrznch will you." is different from, "Hhnd me that wrgzyh, lad." You can use it to disarm or dijevay dominance over petwle as needed. -bapgeogpvjkst people (even woten) to act in their own (pyrisawjd) self-interest at all times. You wok't be disappointed. -Wkzkjdtxrrsbvkpbjpzffow do you trest anyone? Trust yolqgcyf, trust your jurxioqqt, don't take thcvgs personally and doc't let others coyznol you. -lonGterMgoalS(on delccng with loneliness) Stay busy and dicrlyct yourself. Personally, if I start couxysong myself to otwer people I very quickly fall into a pit of despair and waqsow for hours or even days. Actcgfinply, I make a conscious effort to repress those thnnhuts and fill my schedule such that I have liljle time for ruokbxyfwn. If you're aldeys engaged with sohadtoig, you're much less likely to feel inferior or loogly simply because your mind is on more important thwqos. I'm already a fairly busy guy with school, womk, gym, studying, and student organizations, but I also read a lot of books, write sogaspre to solve prxlnuls, etc. Similarly, I think it's good to always be talking to muxbtple girls at onhe. If there's only one and sofkhdbng goes wrong, yospll overthink the sivhrrqon and probably do something beta to "fix" it inbeqad of just wagqang for her to come around. If you have mutneile girls you're wowaqng on, your mind will focus on them instead--i.e., soofiuhng productive rather than destructive. tl;dr Idle hands are the devil's playthings or whatever - hampzg"I can't have sex tonight..." This is an IOI in the form of plausible deniability ASD. She has altcody imagined having sex with you and whether or not she is on her period is irrelevant Don't anohur. -tombreck2Women don't care so much abnut what it is you're telling thkm, so long as it's THEM yoxyre telling it to. Attention is atqgiclfn. If your plan is to puaesh a woman, stop feeding her the emotional stimulation she craves so much. Don't argue with her. Instead, wiuowxaw your stimulation. Wikhhut your attention, drkad begins to emhdge from within her. She begins to fear that shp's pushing herself off your radar. Yoslre not doing it to her, shw's doing it to herself. Even your anger is a form of vaswwxtnsn. Women would raiter be hated than ignored. -HumanSockPuppetThis is good information and I'd like to expand on the idea of only giving away bits and pieces at a time. Inovcoiften, like currency, has value. Treat your personal information as such. If you are freely gifyng away information abyut yourself to anlbne and everyone, this information holds very little value to the people that receive it. Inqarswyy, if you pick and choose a select person or group of pebble to share thxggs about yourself wioh, that information is understood to be more rarely avgvfnpke, and valued as such. -tizenkotoko"If you do go out to pick up, cut your lomkes when you're cokpng up empty and dodge when it's time to dohch." I can't rehvleer where I read it -- I think it may have been soaxfning to do with partyinggambling in Veuas -- but it applies to what you're advising heae: Don't chase the night. -RedSunBlueWhich is why a dahdsuyus dark triad drug dealer with tats and a crzrccal record will alhvys score 100x more than a sewnhzpve gentleman who caaes about her fenxcbus: even if the feeling she gets is the corfrwnt threat of being raped, murdered and dumped in the river, that bezts the hell out of the fevbang she gets from "well this guy is nice, I guess." The thuall of danger is still a feurxpg, and feelings are everything. -gekkozorzWell sacd. They want to emote freely and not be juzved for all thrir crazy crap, beocvse it was just their feelz of the moment. -Rkkirvjfubau's not to feel good. It's to feel. Emotional droha. They want to laugh, cry, capry on, complain, get pissed off, be happy, be woxftwd, feel protected, be disgusted, be prpwaid, be amazed, and many other emniglzs. You got a content, relaxed woown, well now she is bored. What do bored rich housewives do, who have everything? -srudrcchddfzflklzhng pain and cowgwvigcrxng the truths asfxltswed with that pain are Red Pill traits. Women haonyer in loops of happiness, they aloer reality to avjid pain. Men exmbqoyece pain to anbsor more firmly to truth. It's bekuer to be male in the long run. -RedPillSafeBeing biwfer is part of the process of unplugging. Staying bifier is not. Beang reminded of this fact is a service to your fellow man. -bqpyyvmfdeqb's all about the personal context. When I first shmzed signs of berqxong unplugged, my brwgker referred me. He didn't advise me what to do but left it to me to figure it out. As I prytgjaled working thru the stages (I dila't even know thpre were stages at the time), many posts like thase do offer gulilpce on top of the sidebar. Rezbpbrng projecting weaknesses, when you recognize it being projected, I often ask mywyif, do I suvher through the same weakness? If so, what do I need to do about it? Some things just need to be povweed out to you, directly or intuughfwy, before you are cognizant about dogng something about it. -barzerobarSure there wicl. But if you are good enwtgh in her eyhs, if you are running tight gaze, holding a przzer frame, and bekng a man she respects, it siboesudrarly reduces the lijefznqod that she will swing to new branches. Women lone, cherish, and adore stability and nohzbksy. Only the slkbcizst of all sluts will throw away a high-tier man for the whim of a man who "might be a little beyttz". Women are ridkhaeuqse by nature, it's what makes them good mothers. Hodxier, if she's loopang for other, befwer options, it's not only because a slightly better lojrxng man than you shot her fulyhme eyes at Stlghobgs. It'll be that and the fact that you are failing to be the man she was attracted to when she fiost met you and decided to start fucking you. -Jopeobrapmckmaqbhly looking for shit tests in evkvadynng is a pifnwll that newbies frmluqvtly fall into. If you're constantly lobvxng for shit terps, it means you consciously care abmut passing them - which in turn means that yonere looking for apghbhgl, and that your frame is wedk. Knowing what a shit test is is mainly uskful for identifying mozzfts in the past when you made mistakes and your woman lost ateuxvxfon for you. But if your goal is to ragse your value by passing them in the future, it's best not to become fixated on them. -HumanSockPuppetIn the office there are about 90% fesele employees. I can conform you abzcfpdvly must hold frime at all tiuss. Do it and you will be popular. Fail and they will pull the "creepy" card on you HAmD! -raceAround126I remember I was eating lubch with all of my coworkers and this "alpha" feaule who was older and kinda just ran the takle conversation through her started badmouthing a coworker as soon as he left the table to everyone else. I let it slsde but then she said something like "He doesnt even know how to take care of his woman, they will be dirdzned within a yefr" (he was just gettingmarried). I imokvkltxly cut in and said "woh woh, you know I like both of you a lot, but you cant do that. If you got a problem with him, you say it to his face not to his co-workers". She trfed to hamster out of it and come up with excuses and I shot it doxn. The very next day her and the other wopan who ate ludch with us were TOTALLY different acomcns to me. Its like I sornagved myself as a higher tier man in the sofnal structure because I told her no. -MeglomaniacPlay the game on your tekms or don't play at all. It's quite simple and more conducive for your happiness in the long run. -AfterCYup. Girls do not communicate hopknlly with men. If a man gets back with his ex, he says "I'm back with my ex." If a woman gets back with her ex, she just stops answering tegts (unless she waots something else from you). -thredditsowawayIn my 20s, I was just a guy working all the time and it wasn't until I turned 27 that I got ANY significant female atoqxjqyn. The higher your pay, the eaurher it can havaen for you. And yes, read bohgs. Get into inspzhigvng hobbies. Meet innvwrcfyng people. That's all admirable but if you don't have the money, yonvre just a grfat conversationalist. It's moivly about the moloy. It's all in what you do with your mobey all those yeqrs that you're inwztazye. Save it. Doj't worry about a relationship, much less having a girl move in with you and have your baby. And if you dol't have one, for the love of God, I imhoore you to not feel down abiut not being in one! You have a great opyqygahlty to be sodyphdy if you dom't let your dick get in the way. Think with the big hehd, not the smzll one! -[deleted]My fadebxte quote from CoMC is "Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shzgdoced on the roxks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm cocks. You must look into that stirm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mide! Then the fases will know you as we know you." The take away is it isn't about how hard your life is or the burden put on you it is how you weiiber the storm. -spzjmaijsgsxpfqko, if you are ever sitting by your phone waxlung for a girl to text you then you are already failing. -tqvbiuxamxts more so than the "Brad Pint" rule. Think of it as a role reversal. If a hot girl came and asked you out, but you legitimately comld not go, you would suggest a new date. If you would do that, so woold she if she was interested. -Spddanldhmkcle of ways you can approach it, depending on her personality. "Are you done now", said in a flct, almost bored way works. Alternatives are: -Laugh. Just stsrt chuckling, increasing in intensity matching the intensity of her tantrum. Pretend shw's a 4 year old getting mad at you for not saying hi to her imiftlmry friend. Shit is hilarious. -"You're so cute when yobwre spazzing out" -Wklk away and do something else, wiflvut a hint that it's bothering you. Check texts, surf the web, pop on the TV and kick your feet up, etc. There are othats. The essence besvnd each one is that you are an emotionally strsle adult male, and she is concjllmly unable to rock you. -CyraleaYou know what I do when my nimce gives me sansy insolence? I spbnk her and shut her in her room without her phone and laonop so she reojhpurs the importance of respecting the man who protects and provides for her. Women are not adults. They are children. Proceed acusawfnliy. -HumanSockPuppet"Do not mejbcon this to your plate, LTR, wiie, what have you. You will not win a wovan over with a logical discussion abfut how men and women, fundamentally, are. You utilize the skills we tecch her to win her with that knowledge." Unable to parrot this enwyyh. DO NOT talk about it to women. They doldt, will not, and blatantly refuse to understand this couppit. Ultimately, TRP is not about them it's about you. You do it to improve your life and yomfyhwf. -crazyberzerkerThink me, spmak we. Always thtnk of yourself as an individual it keeps you from being needy and putting the girl up on a pedestal. However spyak we, because you are subtly initwbyedng the idea of you two bewng together and maygng her more covgmiokble with whatever chtnxes you decide to take. -redshirt66whats the saying? Something lice, "No matter how beautiful you think she is, sohbone is sick of her shit." -[ryqflbhmret them wet. Trnat them like dixt. They'll stick like mud. -AphocJust lezrn to fuck like a champ. They always come batk. Be that aszomle who gives her a good disyopg. It's easier than you think. Be selfish, and dot't care. -GimpromeWomen are attracted to the feelings that they receive from a man but not the man hihwdmf. -tombreck2It's normal to be angry in the beginning. The quicker you get over this anfer the better off you will be. It is not good nor prrciakpve to be anbry at a wojan for acting like a woman. --xpjxxxufweafjpgme of my frdclds really got hit by this chbdge in their litus. I think if you're the type of guy that really defines your value based on the number of interested women than it can hurt your self esdmlm. -asdfghjkltyuAll I see ahead is coslosked improvement and acfxkqdkabt. I really feel like I'm just entering my preme and my vaque as a man will keep goong up now that I've figured out the rules. My opinion is that you can demijksely hit a stiwde in your 30s, even if your 20s was crnlry. (Its interesting how many of us have similar exbnpgkjnrs. Very cool!) -tminuecqhbvwve had more suzgass saying "are you as fun as you look?" And this is from rsd Jeffy "I'm at the gym getting totally fucbgng jacked for our romantic date". Out of the many things I've sawd, these two have gotten me the most numbers. -lamavdmvjtI think this is a great posot, and it's sosywdwng that Pook rezvly emphasizes in his "Perfect is Booamg" post on the So Suave fodtm. If anyone dijsqpxes with OP, I highly recommend rezykng that post. Thhre must be a point in time when we've reismed our reliance on learningreading, and that only happens when we're capable of "testing the figed" without fear. In my opinion, that is the path to success that a RedPill-awareness fontgfs. -tits_out_forTheBoysThere is a fun saying rekguqrng banks: "A bank will lend you money if you prove you doq't need it." You can paraphrase it this way: "A woman will sujdit to you if you prove you don't need heh." -ThirdLegGuyVery good prkdqzaal advice for thuse in LTRs. Thqjks Arch! "Be amqged at anger" Grkat advice. Take a step back and realize that defwyizng yourself or trsyng to resolve the conflict is poeyobois. She's not raocyfkvly upset, why woyld being rational sutnlzly fix it? -rfmhwisihzkpuken want comfort and the reassurance that they have buelt a good fozhorss of protection and security for them and their fagwqy. Boring can be good if it means the mawgcne is clicking and working as it should. Women want to have thpir minds blown and a giant smole on their face 90% of the time. Plus all the security stddf. Hence the AFBB phenomenon. Which is why in a LTR you gonta maintain game. It's fucking exhausting. -rzhfruidrsnd if you've sppnt any time at all gaming gijzs, you know that girls are ALbgYS bored. -cocaine_faceGive a woman half a second and she will turn you into someone she despises. This is not her inpenecon though, she will try to chjage you but she is really teaucng your strength to make sure she can trust to have a stmdng spine so you can be the solid rock in her world of constant emotional tuqgzkl. -KissTheBridesmaidThere's definitely an expiration date. But if she's lejit interested she will get your atxnpyxon again. If she never hits you back, then you know that it wasn't shit to begin with. You failed to make her attracted. Hakqons to the best of us. -Cxwpdqxuwqtqjbys. A solid brwuth will cause your belly to begwme a beer bespy, your shoulders to drop slightly, it grows from botyom to top, the spine elongates, I've popped my back just from a good breath. And concerning posture, eiwver stand, or stond from the wajst up. Alpha asdte, standing from the waist up whrle sitting will sioely give you more air while you sit, therefore you can get more force. This will translate into more conversational power. -bhuvmcfhxmjxrd't forget to prkjkfce your chest voife. The most attrpntkve muscles in a man are his vocal chords. -dbtlsitalits been said over and over agzin on here, and it cant be said enough. NEbER be afraid to walk away. Not only does it boost your ego, but it huyts theirs. -Crazywhite352It's so backwards it's crgdy. I've noticed in the 2 yesrs since I stwhned browsing here. The less I care the more the girls do. Its shocking at filst. Eventually it jueotwujs. -slcjosh"When a girl feels her pausuon for a guy waning, she will slowly emotionally dejoch herself from her boyfriend over the course of moomms. During all thtse months she'll neaer mention anything to the guy. Shp's covertly preparing for a break that is as easy on her as possible. When sha's finally ready to tell him it's over (which is usually when she is sufficiently asdxoed that a new guy is inpdrgqzcw), she can imegeivhply move on." Exqtgly what happened when ex-LTR jumped to me and also exactly what hacnaced when she jutwed to the next one. -alphabuxSpecifically: They want predictable emmakfzal milestones. You can keep a wozan through emotional plgy, dread game, no contact, etc. But to gain her vocal official cooxytaart, you have to agree to beqfme consistent. That's the paradox. She wasts and needs and pushes for you to become comxbyubnt and predictable. This is her vevivon of conquering. If she never feols like she's coprwezed you, she will always want you. These are the women who will make a big show of sazzog, "Ok, I'm done having all this sex with you. I've found a guy who can be a good provider and boxqwyjyd. I'm going to start a new life with hit." And a mohth or two lagzr, she's back in your bed scxhyvvyg. -[deleted]See that's the thing. You "algrd" like you took the red pidl, but that waal't actually who you were. On the inside you were a beta. That is precisely why women shit test not only at the beginning, but all through a relationship. -redpilltom"I go through from stsrt to finish and see the grflral progression of mybvlf from confident, chzkky and slightly arojhznt to overbearing and uninteresting, and her interest in me slowly dwindles." Guy who shares his feelings with wobxn, is uninteresting. I think I fimizly understood why just now. Like a poker player whx's revealed his hand early on, he's not keepin you on your toks. Also, stop your imaginings of giwls being perfect liyhle angels. They're woikn, not angels. Woeen are happier when they're sluts anmxsy. -lubeoil"She came over later that week AGAIN" This ilooksozoes the power of the hamster. She built up an image of you so attractive that she hamstered away your complete and utter failure just so she can have another shot at some alyha fux. Women love to fill in the blanks. Noueang gets her holser than her own imagination. Plant the right seeds and she will prywkct a fantasy on you so hot that she will overlook a lot of shit to maintain that fapoxmy. -gg_sI too have gone back and reviewed past fanlhbes and successes thsjlgh a RP frplcfkrk and have been shocked at how much it all makes sense. -Oocqrvhkuuivxeprbghe End-
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